Follow Chester, an accountant framed for embezzlement, and his adventures as he tries to return to his normal life. Meet his best friend, Marty who tries to cheer him up with writing advice columns for the local newspaper and his new friend Maribeth who helps him search for clues about his case. Who would frame him? Why would they do it? Could there be something more to Maribeth's and Chester's relationship than solving puzzles?

Sincerely, Antonio Marcus

At the Angelus Theatre
Aug 19 - 24, 2024

Brought to you by:

Alice in Wonderland

Aug 26 - 30, 2024

Starring the Great Hall Youth Theatre

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Great Hall Youth Theatre

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Garion Jorgensen
Landon Christensen
Jenna Snow
Walt Walters
Matthias Hilmo
Chelsea Lynn Tramell
Judy, thug
Tyler Woods
Mrs. Perkins, Hair & Makeup, Set Designer
Ruthie Cobb
Joe, Rick, Hoffman, ensemble
Jashub Young
Waitress, Annie, Police
Elizabeth Williams
Warden, Ruthann, Newspaper Woman
Kelly Harp
Big Frank, ensemble
Darin Erickson
Joe, Janitor
Lark Sippert
Ensemble, thug
Jackson Palmer


Writer, Producer, Stage Manager, Props
Elizabeth Adams
Composer, Lyricist
Greg Goddard
Composer, Lyricist
Greg Goddard
Director, Choreographer, Costume Designer
Krista Johannesmeyer
Music Director
Alyssa Garn
Light Designer
Justin Stockett
Fight Choreographer
Garion Jorgensen
Sound Designer
Kindra Senzig
Sound Technician
Ryan Briscoe
Production Crew
  • Haze Nielsen
  • Jessica Whitby
  • Miriam Jones
Special Thanks
  • Cobb&Co Theater Productions
  • Great Hall Theatrical Experiences
  • Esteban Senzig
  • Garion Jorgensen
  • Jade Higley
  • John Cobb
  • Savannah Johanson


Garion Jorgensen
HONORS: Awarded best set designer of 2023 at the Angelus. PAST ROLES: "King Richard", The Lady of Sherwood, Great Hall Theatrical; "Magnus", Valhalla, Great Hall Theatrical; "Dirty Dan ", Bums!, Great Hall Theatrical; "Krampus", Krampus Carol, Great Hall Theatrical; "Billy Bones ", Treasure Island, Cobb&Co; "Hawk", The Lady of Sherwood, Great Hall Theatrical; "Magnus ", Valhalla, Great Hall Theatrical.
Landon Christensen
PAST ROLES: "Robin Hood ", Lady of Sherwood, Angelus Theater; I've been apart of the theater arts since highschool and have had the lovely opportunity to be a part of many plays/shows. Being apart of the Angelus has been nothing but lovely and fulfilling.
Jenna Snow
PAST ROLES: "Hildegard", The Moon Witch, Taylor Productions at the Angelus Theatre!; "Writer", More Valuable Than Any Jewel, UVU Short Attention Span Theatre; "Lady Larken", Once Upon A Mattress, DJ Productions; I have a BA in theatre and have been involved since I was a kid. I have a wonderful, supportive husband that helps me be the best person I can be!
Matthias Hilmo
Walt Walters
PAST ROLES: "The Narrator", Into the Woods, Karl G. Maeser Predatory Academy; "Lutek", The Survivor, Karl G. Maeser Predatory Academy; I love to tell stories whether on stage, in writing, or by spoken word. Enjoy the show!
Chelsea Lynn Tramell
PAST ROLES: "Mrs. Tottendale ", The Drowsy Chaperone, PG Players; "Brunhilda ", Valhalla: A Viking Rock Opera, Great Hall Theatrical; "Mrs. Hawkins", Treasure Island, Cobb and Co Theater Productions; Chelsea has been performing for over 20 years! She loves the joy and fun Theatre can bring to others! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Tyler Woods
Judy, thug
HONORS: “7 minutes” and “internalized lies” on Spotify and Apple Music. PAST ROLES: "Lady Scarlet ", Lady of Sherwood, The Angelus Theater; "Meg March ", Little Women, Olympus High School; "Plate ", Beauty and the Beast, Murray Amphitheater; "Ensemble ", Mamma Mia, Olympus High School; "Assistant Stage Designer ", Midsummer Nights Dream, The Angelus Theater; Tyler is a sophomore at UVU studying Forensic Science. She wants to be a Homicide Detective and SWAT Breacher. She was captain of the Unified Police Department Cadet Program and an intern with the department as well. She also worked with Phoenix Police Department as a cadet on their Tactical Competition Team.
Ruthie Cobb
Mrs. Perkins, Hair & Makeup, Set Designer
HONORS: Voted Best Director at the Angelus, 2021. PAST ROLES: "Gerd", Gerd and the Goose Girl, A Las Productions; "Bottom ", A Midsummer Night's Dream, Cobb&Co Theater Productions; "Ingrid", Robin Hood the Musical, Cobb&Co Theater Productions; "Claire/Mrs Brumble", The Thief and the Lady, Taylor Productions; "Lou", A Krampus Karol, Great Hall Theatrical; "Hettie", Two Headed, Utah State University.
Jashub Young
Joe, Rick, Hoffman, ensemble
PAST ROLES: "Ensemble ", Newsies, Scera shell; "Caroler", A Christmas Carol, Hale Center Theater Orem; "Tevye", Fiddler on the Roof, Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy;
Elizabeth Williams
Waitress, Annie, Police
HONORS: Bronze level in cha-cha, intermediate tap dancer, intermediate pianist/accompianist. PAST ROLES: "Planchet", The Three Musketeers, Cobb & Co Theatre; "Belle (understudy)", Beauty and the Beast, White House High School; "Benjamin, Mary", Through the Eyes of a Leper, Angelus Theatre; "Joan Cooper", Gideon vs the Gods of Cool, Great Hall Theatrical; "Goddess Dancer, Wench", Annie Jr., White House High School; Liz hails from Nashville, Tennessee and is studying Journalism at BYU. She hopes to write in entertainment or be an investigative reporter.
Kelly Harp
Warden, Ruthann, Newspaper Woman
PAST ROLES: "Doreen ", Hairspray, Peter Pan Foundation; "Scarecrow ", The Wiz, St. Joan of Arc; This is Kelly’s first show at The Angelus. She is enjoying reigniting her love for theater through this production and is grateful to Cobb&Co for the opportunity. She is looking forward to auditioning for future shows at The Angelus.
Darin Erickson
Big Frank, ensemble
Year of service to the Angelus, part of 2022 award winning Krampus Karol. PAST ROLES: "Kyle Slater", Gideon Vs. the Gods of Cool, Great Hall Theatrical; "Robin Hood ", Lady of Sherwood, Great Hall Theatrical; "Jussac", 3 musketeers, Cobb&Co Theater Productions; "Dieter", Krampus Karol, Great Hall Theatrical; "Mubble", Bums!, Great Hall Theatrical; "ASM", Princess Time, Cobb&Co Theater Productions; Daryn LOVES the Angelus and enjoys spending as much time as he does down at the theater. When not helping at the Angelus, he is an avid board game and card game enthusiast.
Lark Sippert
Joe, Janitor
PAST ROLES: "Cholula", Bums!, Great Hall Theatrical; "Josephine", Gobble Gobble, Cobb&Co Theater Productions; "Joan Cooper", Gidon Vs. the Gods of Cool, Great Hall Theatrical; "Ensemble" Valhalla, Great Hall Theatrical; "Ensemble", Treasure Island, Cobb&Co Theater Productions. Lark has been passionate about theater for years and is grateful to entertain and to work with such amazing people for this show. They have had so much fun, and they hope you do too!
Jackson Palmer
Ensemble, thug
PAST ROLES: "Doug", Gideon vs the Gods of cool, Great Hall Youth Theatre; "Hector", Valhalla, Great Hall Youth Theatre; "Edward", Bums!, Great Hall Youth Theatre; Jackson has been participating in the Great Hall Theatrical youth program since it's inception. He has now moved his ambitions to the real-deal professional field.
Elizabeth Adams
Writer, Producer, Stage Manager, Props
PAST ROLES: "Abbie ", Sirens, Taylor Productions; "Snug/Lion", A Midsummer Night's Dream, Cobb&Co; "Enesemble", Through the Eyes of a Leper, Eda Mathis and Cobb&Co; "Amari", The Moon Witch, Taylor Productions; After her writer debut in 2022 with The Thief and the Lady, Elizabeth is excited to share Sincerely, Antonio Marcus. She wants to thank everyone who was involved the process who made this dream become a reality. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Greg Goddard
Composer, Lyricist
PAST ROLES: "Alfred Temple", Tom Sawyer, Hale Center Theater Orem; "Captain Gregory", Sirens, Taylor Productions/Angelus; I wasn't planning on composing a musical, but I'm glad that Elizabeth swept me up in it. It's been a lot of fun writing these songs and seeing my music performed on stage for the first time. Thanks to everyone who's been a part of this! Now I'm excited to see what my next adventure will be!
Krista Johannesmeyer
Director, Choreographer, Costume Designer
HONORS: Director of Cries of Freedom the Musical. PAST ROLES: "Baroness Elsa Schraeder", The Sound of Music, Alpine Community Theater; "Sally", A Christmas Carol, Alpine Community Theater; "Statue of Liberty and Joan of Arc ", Cries of Freedom, Roots of Freedom; "Miss Dinsmore", Singin in the Rain, Maeser Prep Academy; "Ensemble ", La Böheme, Utah Lyric Opera; I have been acting, singing and dancing since I was five years old. I love the way theater inspires creativity snd expression. I am currently an 8th grade teacher at a local private school and like to play pickleball, bake cakes and read good books in my free time.