“A Christmas Carol Jr” is a delightful new adaptation of Charles Dickens’ timeless classic, specially crafted for young actors. This enchanting production brings the beloved story of Ebenezer Scrooge to life with a captivating performances and a heartwarming message of redemption and generosity. Perfect for the holiday season, this play offers a magical experience for both participants and audiences, celebrating the spirit of Christmas through the eyes of talented young performers. Join us at The Great Hall Youth Theatre for an unforgettable journey into the world of Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.

A Christmas Carol Jr.

At the Angelus Theatre
Dec 16 - 21, 2024

Brought to you by:

New Years "Decades" Dance 2024/2025

Dec 31, 2024

Great Hall's End-of-Year Dance and Awards Ceremony

Get $5 off tickets with coupon code "familynight"

Great Hall Youth Theatre

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